Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Most Powerful Plants to Clean The Air in Your Home

So by now most of you know that the air inside your home can (and most likely is) 3-4 times more toxic than the air outside your home, if you live in the city it could by even worse. So what do we do?

Well you can buy the expensive air filters, and I am not opposed to them at all, but be sure you get what you paid for and be sure to research the filter replacement costs. Most of the manufacturers will sell you a $70+ unit in hopes that the price will be appealing, but most of the time these units do nothing and your real cost is in the long run with filters costing twice the amount of the unit per year.

I, and many others, have discovered a new route in conjunction with air filters and that route includes lots of plants. Plants have so many benefits, besides the aesthetic beauty and the psychological benefits they can also filter the air we breath. Air filters will get rid of toxic junk but some put off radiation and reduce the oxygen levels in the air they are filtering.

So the solution is to grow new air, literally.

Areca Palm

One of the most popular houseplants in America and for good reason. These plants are literally a 24 hour oxygen factory. We suggest having four plants per person, or at least one in every room.

Money Plant (or Tree)

These are so beautiful and commonly known as difficult to grow, but if patience is a friend of yours and over watering is an enemy you will coexist with these amazing plants beautifully. Money plants actually remove formaldehyde which is in most furniture and household items, you know the stuff they use to embalm us, well that disgusting chemical is in almost EVERYTHING! Be sure to have two plants per thousand square feet.

Mother-in-Law's Tongue

This plant is an evening factory, meaning when the light goes out it produces twice as much oxygen compared to its daytime output. These plants should be plentiful in your home, some even suggest having 6-7 per person. We think the more the merrier and we won't judge you if you prefer to move away from a jungle like atmosphere, because we know that can sometimes be a little tacky.

Some other friendly additions would be English Ivy, Purple Waffle Plant, Variegated Wax Plant, Asparagus Fern, and the Purple Heart Plant. Remember the less VOC's you have in your home the better your health will be in the long run, plus when your air is clean the chances of you and your loved ones getting sick or remaining sick are cut in half.

In addition to having a multitude of beautiful and beneficial plants we suggest having a window open for at least an hour a day. As painful as that may sound for those of you in the more drastic climates it is beneficial for your health and the general "feel" of your home, no one wants to be in a stuffy environment. So go to the supermarket or run some errands while your ventilating your home.

Some more helpful reminders? Well if you really want your plants to be a work horse you need to remember that dust will clog their "pores" and reduce the amount of oxygen and filtration they are truly capable of so keep them clean (and while your at it dust the whole house, no one wants dead skin cells all over everything). Also, as far as fertilizer goes, don't use Miracle Grow or any of those toxic products. Use what you have, it will save you money and your plants will be thankful. So when making coffee, eating fruit, or vegetables start a compost pike and sprinkle some on the top of plants once a month. You are reducing your waste and putting what came from the Earth back in to it.

Get to it! You can plant indoors any time of the year so there is no excuse!

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  1. Thanks for all the information.Plants do clean the air and therefore indoor plants are more than welcome ...they are very essential in the era where tress are being cut down for functional needs.

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  2. Air pollution is chemicals or compounds that can be harmful to human health or well being that are air bourn. This includes hundreds of toxins, as well particulate, asbestos, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, Volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, lead, and carbon dioxide.
