Monday, November 29, 2010

Some Simple Steps You Can Take To Go GREEN!

It is evident, and has been for a while, that we as a people need to take some steps to reduce our impact on the environment. The steps to going green are becoming easier as more and more people join the movement and education on certain issues becomes more prevalent.

One thing we need to remember is that going green is not some "hippy" movement and although it is viewed as a "fad" by many it truly is a smart thing to do for our health and the environment. We need to look deeper at what we do, what we buy, and who we support. By taking these small actions it will soon become a daily habit and if we can have everyone on the planet doing their part we truly can have a bigger, and more, positive impact on the planet than in recent decades!

So here are some simple, yet effective, tips on getting your life on a GREENER path!

  • Try to purchase recycled products as much as possible and remember to recycle and reduce as much as you can! Do you really need bags for everything when shopping?
  • Eat more locally and organically. This helps your health, the environment, your local economy, and even helps save the small farmers that are quickly disappearing!
  • Drive less! Sounds easy, but if you are already driving at a minimum think about purchasing a more sustainable vehicle and remember to get regular tune-ups!
  • Replace regular light bulbs with the more efficient bulbs on the market. They use less electricity which results in less carbon dioxide emissions. If mercury is something that your concerned about there are mercury-free light emitting diode (LED) bulbs at most hardware stores!
We believe that with each additional "concerned" citizen we can truly make a difference! So talk to your friends and educate yourself by subscribing to our newsletter on our website!

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