Sunday, December 19, 2010

Secrets To Living To Be 100

Eat Less, Live Longer

Research shows that a modest diet and occasional fasting will lead to a healthier body and mind.

One good rule of thumb is to use the "three-quarters rule" which basically means you stop eating when you are three quarters full.

One of the reasons we benefit from eating less and fasting is because our bodies spend less time digesting and more time perfecting and ridding itself of harmful toxins which, inevitably, helps us to live longer.

Snacking Instead Of Full Meals

The act of eating three bigger meals a day is a cultural habit rather than a biological need. The body needs a steady stream of nutrients throughout the day thus making it more beneficial to "snack" throughout the day.

This habit is less taxing on the digestive system and helps to speed up the metabolic systems. Also, by dividing the caloric intake you greatly reduce the risk of heart disease.

Free Yourself From Addictions--- Holistically

Smoking, drinking, and other drug abuse cause incalculable harm to the body and kills thousands everyday all the while costing more than any other substance we as humans can consume. So you lose your health and your money all for a quick high.

We are not judging though because addictions are an individual affair and affect each person differently.

The sooner your quit the sooner your body can repair itself.

Chinese researchers have found kudzu flower reduces craving and withdrawal from alcohol and other substances. That being said we recommend seeking a physician or specialist's opinion on how to take a more holistic approach to quitting.

The minute you stop your body begins to repair itself so be sure to stick with it. We recommend doing a couple of 24 hour fasts and consuming more water than usual, this will help eliminate the harmful toxins your body has built up over the time you were consuming.

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