Sunday, November 7, 2010

Clean your Home With a LEMON!

Forget everything under your sink, whether chemically made or the all natural ones. It is true, our manufacturers have come a long way with meeting our demands for greener products, but with the limited (and corrupt) oversight from our government we cannot be 100% sure those products are as safe as they claim.

The solution? Go to the grocery store and make your own products!

Lemons, among other household products, are amazing to clean with! Their high acid content enables the fruit to cut through tough grease all the while sanitizing.

  1. Freshen up the garbage disposal by throwing your lemon rinds in instead of putting them in the compost or trash! They leave a fresh crisp aroma unmatched by most household products and no germs!
  2. Clean your copper, brass, and chrome! The high acid content will cut through years of grime and bring a nice shine back. If it is especially tough dip the lemon in some salt for extra scrubbing power!
  3. This is one we have never told you about! Particularly because we do not believe in microwaves, but that is a completely different fight we do not want to visit! For those of you who love your microwaves but hate the smell you can now combat it with a lemon! Simply slice a lemon (thinly) and put in a bowl with hot water. Cook the mixture in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. This will kill the bacteria and the scent will be gone! When finished wipe down the unit with a damp towel and let air dry for 10 minutes.
  4. Instead of spending $3-$4 on a tough shower cleaner juice 6-10 lemons (put the rinds in the garbage disposal) and put the juice in a spray bottle. If cleaning the shower immediately bring some salt. Spray the juice on the shower and dip your sponge in the salt. From there you know what to do. For those of you who hate cleaning do it this one time and then add some vinegar to the bottle and spray the entire shower after every cleaning. The vinegar makes it stink but you will not be disappointed, to increase the power of this remedy be sure to pull up your shower curtain so it is not touching the side of the tub while drying. We suggest hanging it over the shower rod and washing it once a week.
  5. You can hand wash your dishes with a half a lemon and some baking soda. Simply dip the lemon in the baking soda and use in place of a sponge!
  6. This is another remedy we haven't heard of! To deodorize the laundry simply add one teaspoon of lemon juice to the laundry, it will not harm any of your clothes but leave them fresh and smelling wonderful!
  7. To clean your windows effectively and without harmful chemicals you can simply add some lemon juice to some water (4 tablespoons with half a gallon of water) and use that. It is cheaper and beneficial for your home. It leaves a wonderful scent, kills germs, and streaking is unlikely. Especially if you use newspapers to clean the windows. When finished throw the newspapers in the compost, you won't be disappointed by any of this!
  8. Sanitize a cutting board is difficult especially if you have a bamboo cutting board. Most bamboo cutting boards (and wooden ones) should not get wet or they will dry out and crack and when using harmful chemicals on these high absorbent surfaces you are setting you and your loved ones up for poisoning. So whats the solution? Well cut a lemon in half scrub the entire surface of the cutting board. If it is bamboo, or another wood that dries out, you can wipe it clean (some lemon pulp will be on the board) and then put a light layer of olive oil to rejuvenate it!
  9. Clean hard to reach places with a toothbrush, lemon juice, and borax. You can take it from there!.

Keeping a clean home is not difficult and eliminating chemicals from the home is nothing but beneficial. When cleaning with chemicals you are putting harmful toxins in the air and all over the home. Your cleaning cabinet should be empty with the exception of clothes, vinegar, lemon juice, and borax. You can keep a home clean, eco-friendly, and healthy by using your imagination and testing out those three products for all your cleaning needs!

If you like our articles please check out our website (below) for green living tips, home remedies, and green businesses all over the world! Going GREEN is a lifestyle change and a beneficial move for you, your loved ones, and their health!

1 comment:

  1. Such cool ideas. I actually came across your blog while looking for a green bookcase for my office believe it or not.
