Friday, November 5, 2010

The Shocking Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

First and foremost we want you to know two things about Apple Cider Vinegar. The most important thing about Apple Cider Vinegar is that it is horribly disgusting, but if you want the benefits you have to suffer the pain. The second thing you will want to know is that the pills you can buy at vitamin shops are not as beneficial, slightly, but overall they are only about 20% as effective as the actual liquid version.

So now lets get down to business:

Apple cider vinegar has been used for thousands of years in cooking and in home health aides, it is actually believed that the Egyptians used this miracle drink to lose weight, cleanse their body's, and to reap the benefits on a circulatory level. There are no known side effects except gagging caused by the disgusting taste, but you can mix with honey to help get past that. Although honey doesn't help much it actually helps the vinegar absorb in to your system and the benefits become more apparent.

Apple cider vinegar is made from the fermentation of apples and the pH of the vinegar is extremely beneficial to reduce and eliminate the amount of toxins in the body. Apple cider vinegar is extremely quite rich in minerals, vitamins, and other beneficial substances. It also contains Vitamin E, C, A, P, B1, B2, and B6. The minerals in apple cider vinegar are Manganese, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, sulphu, copper, phosphorus, silicon, chlorine, and flourine.

The benefits continue and still some are unknown. Apple cider vinegar provides enzymes, amino acids, aldehyde, potash, alcoholic acids, propionic acid, and of course there is apple pectin. If you do not know what apple pectin is you need to. Apple pectin is a dietary fiber that is an essential component of a healthy digestive tract.

So now you know tons of benefits of apple cider vinegar, over 90, and it should not be difficult for us to convince you that apple cider vinegar is a wonderful addition to a healthy diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss

The vinegar detoxifies the liver which is crucial in weight loss since the liver plays a huge role in weight loss and ridding the body of harmful chemicals. There are some who claim that ACV speeds up the metabolism and some even claim that it burns calories and reduces appetite. Knowing that ACV tastes horrible we can agree that you won't want to eat much after taking a shot or two.

We recommend taking a shot of ACV thirty minutes before eating a meal and even before snacking.

Congestion (Nasal)

All we know is that it is beneficial, how you should treat congestion with ACV is up to you, perhaps a shot will do the trick.


The two essential components that break down food to be digested properly are hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Both of which are in ACV and if you have a drastic reduction in these two components you can actually suffer from food poisoning. Some people blame the food they eat when in all reality they have a drastic reduction of these two components in their system.

Sore Throat

Gargle ACV with water twice a day, it is amazing!

Chest Congestion

This is something you NEVER would have thought of. Apply ACV with pepper (you know the stuff you have in your kitchen) to the chest area.

Strong Bones

The minerals in ACV are beneficial for maintaining or building strong bones.

Yeast Infections

Making a solution of ACV and warm purified water and douching can help with the symptoms and can sometimes get rid of the infection all together.

Some other things ACV is amazing for include:

-Cholesterol Control
-Blood Pressure
-Skin Care
-Eye Sight

We suggest taking 1-2 shots daily and form a habit out of it, some swear the horrible taste becomes more bearable over time.

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