Sunday, December 26, 2010

More Secrets To Living To Be 100

So we are still doing our Sunday's Secrets To Living To Be 100 and here are 2 more!

Speed Up Fat Metabolism

Something we all want to do, but did you know it helps us live longer? Well neither did we!

An amino acid that is produced in your liver call L-carnitine helps facilitate fat metabolism, increases energy production in muscle cells, increases circulation in the brain, and promotes fat loss! It has also been shown to prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease! So it is most definitely an amino acid we need to learn to love!

So how do we get more (the liver produces enough, but lets be greedy here)?

The best sources for L-carnitine are lean organic red meats, organic poultry, fish, wheat, avocado, and fermented soybeans!

Also, be sure to work out 2-4 times a week for no less than an hour each time. This will help maintain a healthy metabolism as we age!

Secrets From Chinese Women

Throughout all of Asia angelica root (or dong quai) has been responsible for maintaining millions of womens health for centuries.

Traditionally, it is used to regulate menstrual periods, enhance fertility, strengthen bones, build blood, and maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails. It truly is a wonderful food. Research has shown that angelica root increase the immune systems functionality and reduces the damage from free radicals in the blood stream.

The benefits from the root are plentiful, just trust us (if not us then the Chinese!) YOU NEED SOME IN YOUR LIFE!

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